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“Yours children-ly” by Ankit Telang

By Volunteer Ankit Telang, FHI Mumbai

At every instance I wish to talk about children, the first thing that rings the bell of my mind is;

“घर से मस्जिद है बहुत दूर चलो, यूँ कर लें

किसी रोते हुए बच्चे को हँसाया जाये |”

To elaborate this wonderful couplet by Nida Fazli, “the Mosque, the holy residence of the All Mighty, is very far from where we stay and as it is not easy to reach his dwelling for offering our prayers, let us make some children smile!” It implies that if a person is unable to reach out to God he does not have to visit a temple, mosque or a church. Infact, God can be reached through making his creatures smile and smirk. The only way to reach and make contact with God is by serving the needy and the deprived, by wiping a tear off a child’s cheek and by transforming the frown into a sweet innocent smile.

There were a lot of instances in life where I questioned the nurturing of children of this age. It is very atypical that children are being taken good care of, under the right guidance and mentoring and with the right opportunity for education and culture. It becomes of utmost importance to ensure that children are getting what they really need so that their future is safeguarded. But what smidgens me in the eye are questions relating to the upbringing, fostering and development of such neglected children. Of those, who are not very well acquainted with the resources which are important for them during their childhood, the opportunities which can be made available to them and the confidence which can be boosted up in them in every aspect of life. Solutions for all these questions were founded by Fly Higher India – FHI and I myself found a way to do my bit towards these children, who possess a lot of potential and prospect but lack a platform and an opportunity to showcase their best hidden talent. At FHI, everything is taken care of. I saw it performing as a link between what we contain and what we can contribute to these underprivileged children. One of the most important objectives of FHI is to have a feeling of belongingness and compassion towards these children, which I myself follow in every walk of my life.

I took up this volunteering endeavour as my wish and my obedience towards serving children, the most naive souls ever to be found. I look ahead for every event which is organized by FHI and I contribute, with the best of my ability towards their mission and goals. These wonderful creatures of God give me something that neither man nor riches could give.. Contentment. During all these events, I can only think about the colossal delight and happiness the children are transferring in me and in which way can I make it remarkable for them. What makes me happy is seeing these children in ecstasy, the freshness in their minds to perform something new, the sense of freedom and liberty allowing them to do what they love the most and hope that there is something as good as a treasure for them. At the end of the day, I feel content. Content as I was a part of their process of learning, their development and their progress.

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