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FHI – Where capabilities meet possibilities by Ompuri Goswami

By Volunteer Ompuri Goswami, FHI Nagpur

“You are saying I’m the man with capabilities, but I am not ready?” “Yes, you are with immense capabilities. But capabilities with no purpose to serve and transcend itself are dangerous. You have learned our rituals and traditions so well that they have consumed you. You are a rational thinker. You have mastered the art of mysticism and power of mantras which has streamlined your vision. Any streamlined vision is a narrow vision. Your eyes have only certainties, beyond which they are blank. I cannot teach you and nor can I let you stay here in this place, you must seek the answer without which your capabilities are of no use.” And with that I woke up with a start!

This conversion struck a chord in me, and for the next few days I became restless. I knew what I had dreamt was sign for me; that I was heading to a wrong place. It was my third month in Nagpur. All I did was, perform my daily routine – work and home. My clock ran around my schedule and it consumed me. I had mantras like any other grown up, by that I mean techniques and methods to take decisions. These decisions lacked the joy of unknown as they were always calculated and safe. I was a neutral thinker and it wasn’t a choice but result of years of rational thinking. I understood the meaning of my dream; it was a portrayal of my life and I realised couldn’t stay like that. I had to find answers or a new way for my capabilities which were streamlined in such a way that narrowed my vision.

That’s how I randomly ended up volunteering with Fly Higher India NGO. I volunteered because I had to break free my daily routine and rituals, and do something different and purposeful. All the children were vibrant and wonderfully unpredictable. That was so not me but exactly what I needed. I attended events every month since then at FHI Nagpur. All volunteers became very good friends in this process. Upon knowing the children and volunteers, one thing which happened to me was affirmation of something that I already knew; that we all are the same, deep down in our core. All we need to do is just connect and FHI was the perfect platform for that.

With FHI I understood, what I was lacking and thereby understood what my dream meant. Yes! The answer was right in front of me; the possibilities that comes with capabilities. The capable present will destroy the possible future if there are no right means to channelize. This lesson was taught to me by the FHI children who were always in pursuit of possibilities.

We as adults have all those capabilities. We act rational, perform daily mundane rituals of life and streamline our thinking. The true essence of life gives you joy when capabilities meet possibilities. Yes, this was the answer that I was seeking. Endless possibilities! If you are reading this, and thinking that your capabilities should meet possibilities, then you are at the platform of giving and instilling the capabilities to create possibilities; the platform – Fly Higher India.

FHI with capabilities of volunteers is a platform which unleashes possibilities for these children; possibilities for a better tomorrow and a better India.

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